Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Human trafficking is a crime
against humanity
It involves an act of recruiting, transporting, transfering, harbouring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them. 

Kidnapping helpless persons, refugees or children occurs in places where  lawlessness prevails. 

WARNING: The video you are about to watch is extremely gruesome!

One such area of human trafficking is the Sinai desert (North East Egypt). There refugees from Eritrea (a suppressed country north of Ethiopia and south of Sudan governed by a dictatorship) are caught by locals and taken hostage for ransom.  Some hostages are summarily executed, or worse - "put to sleep" for the purpose of extracting their internal body organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs or corneas by intermediaries and surgeons-physicians. 

The organs are then transported to "civilized" medical centers and transplanted to desperate patients who pay large sums of money for the organ(s) to the chain of intermediaries and surgeons-physicians who perform the surgical-transplant.

The video below exposes how helpless Eritreans are caught
in the web of the organ purveyors-poachers,
where the organ traffickers work and under what conditions.

We shall return to you tomorrow with a discussion on the ethical implications of healthcare "professionals" in this branch of human trafficking.

This video was obtained by courtesy of the investigative reporters of Channel 25 in Egypt.  It is freely available on YouTube.  Visit: Lahza 28 10 2011 on You Tube.

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